【Friday The 13th :The Game】13金の「最期」のお知らせ

"Friday The 13th :The Game"に、とうとうこのお知らせが来てしまいました…。


「The Future of Friday the 13th: The Game」と題されたその公式からのニュースを翻訳していきます。


Dedicated Servers for Friday the 13th: The Game will be decommissioned in the upcoming patch, set to roll out this month, November 2020. What this means is that the game will revert back to peer to peer matchmaking for Quick Play lobbies. The Database Servers, however, will stay active and continue to house all player progression and unlocks, so users can continue to play Friday the 13th: The Game via peer to peer Quick Play and Private Matches.

The patch that will go live in November will also be the final patch for Friday the 13th: The Game. The team has been hard at work completing fixes for a long list of player issues to include in that final patch, and the community can expect finalized patch notes to be released in the week prior to the patch going live.
11月に公開されるパッチは、「Friday The 13th :The Game」の最終パッチになります。チームはその最終パッチに含める修正を完了するために懸命に取り組んできました。

The official forums will be archived in a locked state, so that players can still reference the information that lives on the various boards. As for the online presence of the game and official channels, we will be switching to a more minimal approach, keeping our social media channels active for any necessary announcements only.

The game will continue to be available for sale, and as such will continue to receive the full support of JasonKillsBugs.com as a resource for troubleshooting. Please do continue to use the support site for any assistance needed.

As for the Double XP, CP, and Tape Drop Rates that we set in the start of the pandemic, the team will opt to leave this active indefinitely.

The team at Gun wants to thank each and every player and fan that has made Friday the 13th: The Game what it is today. We know this news is hard to hear, despite being inevitable. We appreciate each and every one of you.
このニュースはいずれ来てしまうものではありますが、残念に思いをさせてしまうかもしれません。Gunのチームは「Friday The 13th :The Game」の全てのプレーヤーとファンに感謝したいと思います。











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